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Public lands need to remain public lands. They are necessary for outdoor recreation, hunting, and fishing. Montana has spectacular landscapes, clean waters and abundant fish and wildlife which the public should be able to access as an integral part of our heritage, identify, lifestyle and economy. 

We Support:
  • Protecting public access already enjoyed on private land when it is sold to a new entity.

  • Maintaining easements on private land for public access to public lands. These easements are typically traditional access points on private land to public land areas.

  • Appropriate land swaps that support conservation wildlife habitat and public land access.

  • Opposing any attempt to sell or give-away these lands to industries, individuals, or other governmental entities.

  • Opposing any attempt at top-down decisions to remove protection for our last remaining wild lands.

  • Granting access to these lands by our citizens, and millions of visitors to our state, for recreation, hunting, fishing, solitude, and inspiration.

  • Promoting public lands as a natural habitat that support a flourishing wildlife population.

  • Lincoln County Dems
  • Lincoln County MT Democrats
  • Lincoln County Democrats

(c) 2025 Lincoln County Democrats Montana

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