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Reduce your property taxes!

Agricultural and ranch property in Montana qualifies for lower property taxes. Consequently, folks like our governor pay only $5.75 an acre while their neighbor pays $826.00 because the Gianfortes grow barley and alfalfa and board horses and mules.

The current legislature is considering revising the rules so that ag/ranch folk pay more. House Bill 27 and Senate Bill 4 would tighten qualification standards for ag properties and increase taxes on that portion of ag properties that have houses.

We say: NO WAY! Leave it be! We like lower taxes!

Here's what you have to do: claim ag/ranch property status. Get some chickens, grow a big garden, board some ponies. It's better for your health, your wallet, and the environment.

We'll post more as we gather details on the mechanics of how exactly to claim ag/ranch status.

In the meantime, tell your legislator to keep the current rules. We like them! See how to do that here:



  • Lincoln County Dems
  • Lincoln County MT Democrats
  • Lincoln County Democrats

(c) 2025 Lincoln County Democrats Montana

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