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Only 1 Week Left!

The Montana Legislature will wrap up this year's session around the end of April and then take a break until 2025! This is your last chance to influence the outcome of bills still being considered. Apparently the main switchboard is jammed, so don't call. Instead, use the Public Testimony link to submit your thoughts.

Did you miss the deadline to submit your comments? Email committee members directly! Click on the pull-down menu "Select the Bill" and choose a bill that interests you. The committee name considering this bill will appear in the next pull-down menu.

Go back up to the top of the Public Testimony page and click on Look Up Committee Information. Choose the committee name from the drop-down box. Then click on Find.

The page that comes up now will list the committee members, and their names link to their emails and phones.




  • Lincoln County Dems
  • Lincoln County MT Democrats
  • Lincoln County Democrats

(c) 2025 Lincoln County Democrats Montana

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