Democrats are NOT pro-abortion. We are FOR government not making health decisions for people, especially women!
Democrats are NOT for socialism. We are FOR programs that help people in time of need.
Democrats are NOT atheists. We are FOR freedom of religious beliefs of your choice.
Democrats are NOT for big government. We are FOR less government dictating people’s lives. But FOR government to regulate corporations that can and do make our lives more dangerous.
Democrats are NOT anti-gun. We have guns! We are for gun safety to protect our children and your children from the #1 killer of children today.
Democrats are NOT for higher taxes on everyone. We are FOR higher taxes on corporations and on people that make a gross amount of money and cheat to pay less taxes.
Democrats are NOT for illegal immigrants or open borders. We are FOR safe borders and FOR improvements of immigration laws.
Democrats are NOT against law enforcement. We are FOR fair treatment for all people. Law enforcement is there for our safety.
Democrats are FOR affordable healthcare for everyone. We are AGAINST insurance companies that create more chaos and keep costs high.
Democrats believe in the US Constitution that says only legal citizens can vote.
There! These are statements about where Democrats stand on issues. And no comparisons have been made to where Republicans stand on issues.
Vote accordingly.
So very well said! Thank you Jane.